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We, the young generation from the three social classes of the country misnamed ethnic groups, united within the RWANDAN ALLIANCE FOR THE NATIONAL PACT “RANP-Abaryankuna”

After realizing that there is no difference between the exercise of political power of RPF-Inkotanyi, under the rule of President Paul KAGAME, and those that preceded it since the colonial period, since then, Rwandan history has been characterized by changes of the holders of power not the real revolutionary system itself.

We officially declare the beginning of a new revolution that aims a radical change of vision of the governance of our nation, in order to achieve good governance which is relevant to all Rwandans in the new era. 

After examining patiently the political programs of RPF-Inkotanyi, and the kind of governance it has in order to achieve a so called full reconciliation and sustainable development, it is clear that its intentions are of divisionism and discrimination, inhuman and degrading treatment of Rwandans, both inside and in the diaspora.

We officially initiate a revolution named “GACANZIGO” and we call up on all Rwandans without any exception, to thoroughly support it since it is theirs.

Rwandan Alliance for the National Pact “RANP-Abaryankuna” confidently affirms that the colonialism is certainly the origin of divisionism and discriminations among Rwandans; hence the root cause of conflict between so called ethnic groups, then Parmehutu and MRND took over that dangerous heritage of discriminations and conflict.

The same way Parmehutu proclaimed itself to be the liberator of so called Hutus (a movement for the emancipation of Hutus alone), in order to preserve and maintain conflicts and hatred sowed by colonialism, the same way RPF-Inkotanyi, got the power proclaiming itself to be the liberator and protector of so called Tutsis against so called Hutus.As time passed by,  RPF-Inkotanyi have unveiled its true face, killing Hutu and Tutsi indifferently and with impunity.

The Rwandan Alliance for the National Pact “ARPN-Abaryankuna”, realizes that the so-called ethnic problems can’t be solved by those who participated in it, since they are the guilty instigators. The same way Parmehutu strived to get to power by inculcating the so called Hutus that all their misfortunes are attributable to Tutsis, so has the RPF-Inkotanyi indoctrinated the Tutsis, making them believe that, all misfortunes they have encountered in their history until the genocide, came from the so called Hutus. This is how different political powers that have succeeded each other have never met the real problems facing our people, particularly the problem of conflicts and hatreds that has become familiar with Rwandans.

The time has come for all Rwandans in general, and youth in particular, that they ought to know that the regime of RPF-Inkotanyi instead of being their liberator and salvation, it has enslaved them blindly in order for it to stay on the power, since that is the only way for it to escape the popular verdict done against all Rwandans from all so called ethnic groups in Rwanda.

It has been realized that since RPF-Inkotanyi got to power, it has murdered whoever has gradually dared to state and denounce its exactions, and fearlessly tried to enlighten Rwandans. During its reign, different strategies and tactics of divisions and discriminations have been exercised, thus maintaining hatred among the children of Rwanda.


  1. You are not without awareness of how Genocide and so called the fight against its ideology have been used to serve as political hammer of the RPF, with the aim to protect a leader who oppresses his people. It is in this sense this regime decided to make Rwandans hate and forget their relatives who have lost in the forests of Congo, or else where abroad, using the tactics of subjecting them to prosecution, while the most numerous of them fled the war and the massacres initiated by the RPF-Inkotanyi since October 1, 1990. Some of them are still young, others were born there, and the rest finally, exile, overnight, to flee the political persecutions and poverty since the day when RPF got to power.

You are, moreover aware of how this regime misrepresented our innocent parents, in all social classes misnamed ethnic groups, the only crime that the regime imputes to them is to never subscribe to its obscurantism. This is how they have been prevented to give their vital contribution towards unity and sustainable development of our country.

  1. Young people, you are all aware that dictatorial state control over the media, the education system and the propaganda system, all are used to blind Rwandans by the regime and for its benefits. It is more than unfortunate how some individuals in the regime who are being paid much millions of Rwandan Francs, out of ignorance and greed, keep complaining that they are paid low salaries and yet they keep on forcing public to declare that they are rich just because they have been given donations of cows, goats, sheep or pigs, and all of them are done under the name Paul Kagame, as if they are from his own properties and salary.Isn’t that more than a felony?
  1. All of you can see how politic, a special tool should be used to establish strong and quality private sector, it has become instead one man’s tool by which he uses whoever he wants, with no considerations of what they will do for the public interests, but what they will do for him in the name of public interests. The outcome is that there is no free space of ideas in Rwanda for people who are interested in public interests, but in politics of Rwanda, people are put in positions, not for the benefits of people, but for the interests of the one person who puts them in positions. This is the sense in which the person who stays in position in Rwanda is not the one who accurately serves the public but who serves the master’s interests. 
  1. Human right violence has greatly increased to higher level, and it keepsrevealing itself through harassment done against people who reveal what is wrong in the leadership of the country. This is due to the great greedy of those who have put themselves in the positions, furthermore due to the lack of self-confidence of the RPF regime, since they know that they have no relevant ideology aimed at the good of Rwandans, but of the regime led by egoism. The outcome therefore is that instead of leadership to serve Rwandans, Rwandans have become slaves who work for people in the power. Instead of leaders to do what Rwandans want, Rwandans do what people in positions want, thus Rwandans continuously have become slaves of bad leadership of the RPF regime.
  1. RPF-Inkotanyi demonstrated to every Rwandanits inabilityto establish operations, activities and sustainable institutions in order to raise the level of a national economy. The economy of the country has been owned by just few people, while the majority have been impoverished. Different policies that could help to stabilize the economy of the country such as; decreasing growth rate and population density, industrial development, monetary distribution among Rwandans, rural development where the majority of Rwandans live, and the development of different cities other than Kigali, RPF-Inkotanyi has clearly failed all of these.
  1. RPF regime continued to make life so difficult for Rwandans, through different programs related to normal life of Rwandans such as moving people and their properties, unstudied master plan and rural development, misuse of public properties while trying to do useless and unplaned activities, while useful activities serve public interests. Most of what RPF does is for the benefits of one person and the regime while proclaiming that they are in the interest of Rwandans.This is the reason why poverty, unemployment rate and loss of jobs have been familiar to Rwandans. The reason why Rwandans have lost the hope since life keeps on become so difficult especially in youth. That is why Rwanda is among five countries worldwide in which their people have lost joy and hope than others, as it has been announced by United Nations on 20th March 2014.
  1. This regime has also revealed that it is very harmful by greatly misrepresenting Rwandan identity, to the extent that each of our compatriots is perceived abroad as a carrier of a facade of dignityas the embodiment of ingratitude, as the crusher dignity of others, as a narrow chauvinist invader of other nations, and as an exporter of internal conflicts. Apart from killing its opponents internally, leaders of our country extend their effrontery to eliminate Rwandans in exile. You all know how Rwandan is treated by RPF regime as a person of no dignity, since they prefer strangers and foreigners, whom they welcome with favors and benefits than Rwandan citizens. 
  1. After the Genocide against so called Tutsis, and other large-scale massacres against Rwandans in which RPF greatly participated, RPF regime has failed to end the endemic phenomenon of exile or able to reconcile Rwandans, while they were some of its priorities before. The simple reason for this is that RPF-Inkotanyi killed a lot of peopleon both sides either those so called Tutsis or Hutus.

Since RPF got to power, it continued to make Rwandan an enemy of Rwandan. In this sense RPF has used Genocide and so called unity and reconciliation as a tool to benefit itself. It has never wanted to put an end on the conflicts and hatreds among Rwandans, that’s why it always pretend to be a force of arbitration and deterrence, whereas from the special teachings it inculcates to the Genocide survivors’ generation, it is the catalyst of hatreds and divisions between Rwandans. 

Even though leaders of RPF always try to hide the smoke of the house they are burning, they do whatever they can to prevent Rwandans to feel the unexplainable sorrows in which RPF is leading them,but Rwandans have their eyes wide open to realize that enough is enough.

That’s why we, RWANDAN YOUTH united in the Rwandan Alliance for the National Pact “ARPN-Abaryankuna” officially announce this declaration as the manifesto of the beginningsignal of a revolution that aimed tat eradicating the culture of “DIVIDE AND RULE” and the “SURVIVAL FOR THE STRONGEST” that has so ruined our country so far.

All these come after realizing that the number of Rwandans RPF regime has killed is far greater than the number of Rwandans it claims to have saved, it has exiled more than it claims to have repatriated,the number of Rwandans it has impoverished is far greater than those it claims toenrich. We therefore initiate “GACANZIGO REVOLUTION”.

This Declaration is not consecutive under;

  • Emotional fear of dying,
  • A kind of resentment towards the state or people in positions,
  • Youthful disturbing attitudes,
  • The will of getting to power,
  • Any kind of jealousy related to one of us or other situation of personal frustration,
  • Or any other subjective motivation, of any kind whatsoever.

Our motivation comes out of deepest love and aspirations for our country and our people in general and our determination will go even to the ultimate sacrifice, for the salvation, for the wellbeing of our people and for the durability of the future of our country.

Done at Gicumbi on November 26, 2018



Rwandan Alliance for the National Pact ( RANP- Abaryankuna)